Rakitna mast memorial trail from Selan to Vrnilce




    At Selan's

Veljko Toman

Prav tu pod nami so v gozdu Janeza Opeke z Rakitne decembra 1893, ko je bil tod še pragozd, posekali ogromno jelko (»hojo«), ki je bila visoka več kot 65 metrov. Za naročnika, pomembnega tržaškega Slovenca, premožnega ladjarja Angela Jazbeca, so iz nje izdelali ladijski jambor, dolg rekordnih 64 metrov. Drevo so posekali z vrhom navkreber. Ves teden so porabili za njegovo obdelavo: kleščenje in lupljenje; v spodnjem, debelejšem delu so ga tudi obtesali. Sledilo je spravilo po strmi vlaki navkreber, vse do vrha, od koder se je že videla Rakitna, in nato spust navzdol kar počez čez travnike. Kar tri dni so potrebovali, da so orjaka spravili do vaške cerkve.

  • In December 1893, at this very place, just beneath us, in the forest owned by Janez Opeka from Rakitna, when this area was still a virgin forest, a gigantic silver fir tree of more than 65 metres was cut down. The locals built a mast for a sail boat of record 64 metres commissioned by an important Slovenian client from Trieste, the wealthy ship-owner Angel Jazbec. The tree was cut down with the top uphill. It took them a week to process it: limbing and peeling; the lower and thicker part was  also chiselled. What followed was skidding uphill on a steep skid road, all the way to the top, from where Rakitna could be seen, and then a descent through the meadows. It took them three days to transport the giant mast up to the village church.