Rakitna mast memorial trail from Selan to Vrnilce




    Guide to the Rakitna mast trail


“Spominska pot Rakiškega jambora od Selana do Vrnilc” se nahaja v Rakitni, 28 km južno od Ljubljane. Dolga je 4,3 km. Obiščete jo lahko v obliki krajšega sprehoda ob Rakiškem jezeru, kjer je postavljena replika jambora s spremnimi info-tablami (zavihki Tesanje do Trst), ali v 3-urnem lažjem izletu prehodite celotni del poti jambora skozi Rakitno (zavihki Jelka do Vrnilce, glej zemljevid). Primerna je za šolske skupine, družine in druge ljubitelje naše bogate naravne in kulturne dediščine. Izhodišče učne poti je ob jezeru, en krak poti vodi do Selana, drugi do Vrnilcev. Dostop do Rakitne je mogoč iz ljubljanske smeri prek Črne vasi ali Brezovice, s Primorske in Notranjske pa prek Cerknice. Spominska pot je bila urejena v spomin na izreden podvig rakiških furmanov ob 125. obletnici priprave in prevoza znamenitega jambora do ladjedelnice Svetega Marka v Trstu. Jambor je meril rekordnih 64 metrov, zato so ga svoje čase ljudje poimenovali kar “lesena pošast”.

  • “The Rakitna Mast Memorial Trail from Selan to Vrnilce” is located in Rakitna, 28 km south of Ljubljana. It is 4.3 kilometres long and you can visit it by taking a short walk along Lake Rakitna, where a replica stands of the mast with accompanying information boards (tabs Chiselling to Trst) or take a 3-hour easier hike and walk the entire path of the mast trail through Rakitna (tabs Fir Tree to Vrnilce, see map). It is suitable for school groups, families and other enthusiasts of our rich natural and cultural heritage. The educational trail starting point is by the lake, where one section leads to Selan, and the other to Vrnilce. The access to Rakitna is available via the Črna Vas or Brezovica settlements from the direction of Ljubljana, and via Cerknica coming from the Primorska or Notranjska regions. The memorial trail was opened in memory of the remarkable feat of the Rakitna horse and cart drivers on the 125th anniversary of the preparation and transportation of the famous mast to the shipyard of Saint Mark in Trieste. The mast of record 64 metres was in its time referred to as the “wooden monster”.